Since last post,
I have received all of the lines for REP5 and listened to the full audio.
I'm really excited for this episode I tellz ya ;D
I've started on it, gotten around 40 secs complete.
And we're talkin 40 secs out of 12 mins :X
It may be a while, support may motivate me <3
Onto game news~
I'm in the level design process and hopefully should be done with that soon
Then come the enemy design n shit like that XD
Dun know when that'll be released neither <.<
So now some other news
Just yesterday I had traveled to Glendale, Arizona with fellow Pwanchi Production member wwerappin. Reason why was because Ryan was going to Wrestlemania 26.
It was a huge coincidence that good friend Gonzossm lives not far from there.
So I met up with him, twas very epic indeed.
We chatted bout random shit, like Fat secret agent boomers from the future being shooting stars jumping off of buildings on fire
/* */
Rocket Boomers FTW!
We even experienced some singing and dancing waiters in some 50s Restaurant we had stumbled upon LAWL XD
Ah it was a fun night, not including the drive back to Vegas in the early hours of the morning >:c
So ya
Anyone who had watched Wrestlemania may have seen the Pwanchi sign Ryan and I had made last year, though probably not seeing as it would've just looked like a tiny red circle =_=
Ah anyway, you'll have a much better chance on Friday, I'm going to Smackdown tomorrow night and will be like row 6 of premium. I'll be waving Pwanchi around XD
Tune in on Friday B) (and tomorrow night as well)
Here is an epic photo of Gonzo and I inside of the 50s Burger place ;D
![REP5 Started And My Trip To Arizona >:3](