I have stumbled across a very dark memory of mine inside of the Pwanchi Archives that occurred I'm guessing around 2005-2006
Just a very ridiculous video recording of friend Logweiny and I messing around on a video tape
What was meant to happen in this video below is I was supposed to throw what looks to be a Lego Box over my head and then Logan kick it :S
Just my luck, it goes wrong D:
The container bounces off and well..........you can guess the rest :(
Damn you Logan! >:c
/* */
And yes :|
I looked much different then :S
Now onto slightly more important shit ~
I am currently working on a game and it involves enemies from the future D:
That's all I'll say =_=
Resident Evil Pwanchi Part 5 will be started whenever I receive the voice actor's lines
Even after I do, I'll probably be doing the game n shit so I'll have to go back and forth animating the two.
Now I leave you with a happy picture from REP5
Until next time my homies :3
snake sez rawr~