Rumors said that Pwanchi has relatives
It is true, His name is Blongo XD
He is a Blue version of his cousin, nose and mouth are different a little of course
Oh yes, and his hair is quite funky =o
As for Resident Evil Pwanchi Part 3, it will be started in a few weeks when I return home and receive my very first tablet =D
I'll be practicing with it as much as I can before I draw up the characters in Tablet form.
I hope you'll enjoy Part 3 bitches! >:C
As for now, i will continue to enjoy my little vacation here in Washington.......State not D.C
I recently updated Pwanchi slightly, He now is more attractive than ever!
Got rid of the damn black outline around him, Blongo is posted below next to Pwanchi as they are very close.
Everyone be nice to Blongo as it's his very first day on Newgrounds >:C
Think of it as your first day of school ^_^