Ok yes!
I know how to fix the damn problem with everything being off sync and there should be no more problems in that area, thank god
Anyways I have started work on two flashes at the same time and I seem to work on whatever I feel like. The flashes are Zelda: Wild Ride 4, and the next Saw
The next Saw should be better than the others mostly because the Trap is a little more serious but is still funny at the same time, I have changed Chainsaw's skin color a little lighter than it was before because of the people that viewed Jello Trap and thought he was black
Hopefully you won't think so this time :P
Zelda: Wild Ride 4 should be good too................and yeah.........
Logan (Logweiny) has finished the script of a new series we'll start whenever but we haven't got a name yet :S
We'll have to do some thinking
And oh yeah, We do plan to make a 3rd Splinter Cell at some point.
Yeah lots of new shit
By the way, we changed the name of the Saw flashes to chainSAW to make it a little more original name, so yeah that's pretty fun
If anyone wants any clues to the next Saw or questions about anything, you know what to do XD
Awesome, Can't wait! Well I can, but I choose not to.