the most visually and audiably stimulating flash the world has ever seen.
Age 33, Male
Skagit County, Washington
Joined on 1/17/08
the most visually and audiably stimulating flash the world has ever seen.
lmao i loved those little pumpkin dudes
Pumpkin dudes? :D lol Dats Pwanchi >_<
BOAH very good ^^
tehDe nEEd zUM loViNG.
I didn't think it was "all that" but the art was okay...
Got an idea when resident evil pawnchi will come out? (also saw it pretty damn funny in my opinion).
No idea lolz
Must get to work on it whenever
thanks bitch /gewd
GAAHHH GReat Flash!! u Earned aLL oF my 5's and 10's
ON THe ReSiDenT EviL AnD PwaNchi Halloween !!
Your first first! Congrats! It's about time!
I, of course, got it my first time, so my trophy box is technically 100% golden, while you only have your piece of shit gray and brown one with one gold piece that is the corn in your turd of a box.
...Congrats! :3
0 0
I really liked Pwanchi Halloween 2. Very funny!
I saw u in bed last night ;3
Pwanchi 2 scared the shit out of me. It was the scariest flash I've seen so far.
Can u plz tell me WHAT ARE THOSE PWANCHI GUYS AND WHAT ARE THEY DOING to civilians? I'm really curios.
They are ghosts :D
Mysteriously killing a set of people every halloween mmmm :P
Do you think That I'm satisfied with that kind of answer? I want a proper one. At least give an answer in the next Pwachin movie. :D
I mean at least tell me about these ghosts' history and why they're doing it. PLEASE.
I think you need to have a visit with your doctor. Your ear is on your temple and it doesn't even go to down to the level of your nose. Nor is the the shape of your head right. YOU NEED TO WORK ON ANATOMY. seriously you could improve a lot if you would take advice like a man and not respond "i like cheese" even if it is funny....
Actually you know what, just yesterday I was doing that
My new model for Chris Redfield in Resident Evil Pwanchi Part 4 no longer has a f*cked up head
So hurrah
this video was awsome